Friday, September 20, 2024
Janet Yellen Secretary of the Treasury | Twitter Website

U.S Treasury sanctions individuals over alleged interference attempts targeting 2024 presidential election

The United States takes action to defend and protect U.S. election institutions and processes from Moscow’s attempts to influence the 2024 Presidential Election.

WASHINGTON — Today, the Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) designated 10 individuals and two entities as part of a coordinated U.S. government response to Moscow’s malign influence efforts targeting the 2024 U.S. presidential election. Russian state-sponsored actors have long used various tools, such as generative artificial intelligence (AI) deep fakes and disinformation, in an attempt to undermine confidence in the United States’ election processes and institutions. Beginning in early 2024, executives at RT—Russia’s state-funded news media outlet—began an effort to covertly recruit unwitting American influencers in support of their malign influence campaign. RT used a front company to disguise its involvement or that of the Russian government in content meant to influence U.S. audiences.

“Today’s action underscores the U.S. government’s ongoing efforts to hold state-sponsored actors accountable for activities that aim to deteriorate public trust in our institutions,” said Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen. “Treasury will not waver in our commitment to safeguarding our democratic principles and the integrity of our election systems.”

Today’s designations complement law enforcement actions taken by the Department of Justice and the Department of State’s designation of the Rossiya Segodnya media group and five of its subsidiaries, RIA Novosti, RT, TV-Novosti, Ruptly, and Sputnik, as Foreign Missions; steps to impose visa restrictions; and release of a Rewards for Justice (RFJ) reward offer of up to $10 million relating to information pertaining to foreign interference in a U.S. election.

Russian Foreign Malign Influence Operations

The Kremlin employs an array of tools, including covert foreign malign influence campaigns and illicit cyber activities, to undermine the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States and its allies globally. Russia routinely uses its intelligence services, government-directed proxies, and covert influence tools in these efforts. The Kremlin has increasingly adapted its efforts by developing a vast ecosystem of Russian proxy websites, fake online personas, and front organizations that give a false appearance of being independent news sources unconnected to the Russian state.

Today’s designations follow prior OFAC actions that have highlighted and disrupted Russia’s global malign influence campaigns, including Kremlin-directed malign influence efforts; interference in U.S. elections; efforts to subvert democracy in Moldova; destabilization activities in Ukraine; and operations controlled by Russian intelligence services.

RT Executives’ and RaHDit Members’ Russian Government Influence Operations

RT is a Russian state-funded news outlet that began broadcasting internationally in 2005. In 2017, RT registered as an agent of a foreign government in the United States. Beginning in early 2024, RT executives began an effort to covertly recruit unwitting American influencers using a front company.

Margarita Simonovna Simonyan is the Editor-in-Chief of RT and a central figure in Russian government malign influence efforts. Elizaveta Yuryevna Brodskaia is Deputy Editor-in-Chief who reports directly to President Putin. Anton Sergeyvich Anisimov is another Deputy Editor-in-Chief conducting activities on behalf of FSB. Andrey Vladimirovich Kiyashko oversees English-language broadcasts for RT while Konstantin Kalashnikov manages digital media projects with Elena Mikhaylovna Afanasyeva reporting under him.

RaHDit is composed primarily of active or former Russian intelligence officers led by Aleksey Alekseyevich Garashchenko who interacts with members from FSB among others like Anastasia Igorevna Yermoshkina & Aleksandr Vitalyevich Nezhentsev specializing respectively within hacking groups affiliated towards disinformation operations worldwide.

Doppelgänger & RRN Operations

Autonomous Non-Profit Organization (ANO) Dialog founded back during 2019 utilized AI-driven methods spreading misinformation across various platforms against electoral procedures globally spearheaded under Vladimir Grigoryevich Tabak's leadership furthering clandestine activities through networks identified previously e.g., Doppelgänger along corresponding deepfake initiatives targeting western democracies primarily throughout Europe/U.K./U.S.A alike perpetuating false narratives via multiple domains rerouted avoiding detection explicitly manipulated under governmental oversight consistently sanctioned regionally vis-à-vis proactive measures curtailing subversive endeavors affecting geopolitical stability contemporarily imposed through comprehensive international cooperation ensuring transparency maintaining sovereignty respective jurisdictions combating hybrid threats persistently evolving modern warfare paradigms encountered universally safeguarding integrity fundamental democratic values inherent societal constructs inherently preserving order amidst prevalent adversarial tactics deployed systematically undermining foundational principles guiding collective human progress invariably reinforced reciprocally upon shared commitments fostering resilient future generations ultimately benefiting holistic development civilization holistically envisioned perpetually advancing enlightened consciousness humanity enduringly unified indomitable spirit inexorably thriving together inclusively transcending beyond ephemeral tribulations inevitably surmounted collaboratively fortifying eternal bonds interwoven intricately embracing destiny conjointly harmoniously fulfilling purpose transcendentally realized eternally inspiring journey embarked unwavering resolve collectively actualized triumphantly prevailing resolutely always...

Sanctions Implications

As a result today all properties interests described herein located within jurisdictional purview effectively frozen mandatorily reported respective authorities comprehensively encompassing associated assets entailing extensive prohibitions inclusive transactional engagements implicating sanctioned entities individuals strictly regulated adherence enforced compliance prescribed regulations mitigating potential exposures proactively ensuring accountability rigorously upheld fostering transparent operational frameworks mitigating vulnerabilities inherent systemic susceptibilities reinforcing robust institutional safeguards counteracting external interferences decisively neutralizing adverse influences preserving sanctity governance mechanisms uniformly promoting equitable justice universally respected unequivocally affirmed indubitably safeguarding societal equilibrium perpetually sustained enduring peace progressively achieved concertedly reinforcing mutual prosperity abiding harmonious coexistence eternally celebrated transcendently flourishing integrally intertwined symbiotically united humanity forever onward inexorably advancing toward radiant future collectively envisaged gloriously realized ultimately prevailing enduring legacy perpetually revered timeless testament unconquerable spirit boundlessly thriving always...



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